
gEAR: Gene Expression Analysis Resource portal for community-driven, multi-omic data exploration.
Orvis J, et al. Nat Methods. 2021 Jun 25.
doi: 10.1038/s41592-021-01200-9
PMID: 34172972

View new multigene displays for a dataset

The multigene viewer tool is used to create new multi-gene expression displays, as well as editing existing ones. You can choose from variety of plots, such as heatmaps, violin, and volcano plots.


Placeholder image

Learn how to use the multigene curation tool


Select a dataset
Create new or load existing curation
Select dataset plot type and analysis type
Current analysis: Primary analysis
Plot type Required
Analysis (optional)
Select genes

Genes entered manually or chosen from an existing gene list that are found in this dataset will be added to the group of selected genes to plot.

At least 2 genes required
Select plotting options